Recent content by david.h

  1. david.h

    First time medical, >0.15 BAC, want basicmed

    Unfortunately, you should have come here first. The experts will chime in soon, but "you done f#ck3d up" already by submitting the form th FAA. There's no lying to the feds, but there are ways to posture yourself prior to submission. And other options are gone now.
  2. david.h

    Vision jet goes for a swim

    If the plane is pressurized, the engine top mounted, would it stay mostly dry if you powered across and out the other side? I'd try it.
  3. david.h

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    Even the last Mooney we sold in 2019 was cert'd to Car3.
  4. david.h

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    That bowling joke was a real turkey.
  5. david.h

    Bonanza crash in residential area, Augusta, GA

    My first flight with my wife, top latch on piper Archer popped loose. Completed flight 1.0 hr told her no biggie, just a little noise. Leave it alone.
  6. david.h

    Road Bump in Buying a Plane - No Place to Put It

    It was a while ago, 2009. I got the plane I wanted to buy for 20 years offered and bought it that week. Flew it to my local airport, where I had inquired for a hangar only 4 days prior. It was on the ramp for less than a week, and in a Nice ($$$$) hangar. I said I wanted something cheaper...
  7. david.h

    Multiple Recent ATC Errors...Why?

    At Mooney, we had a list of common TLA's, it was over 150 long.
  8. david.h

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    That was my first guess. I'll have to watch it this weekend. Never go full r.....
  9. david.h

    Is Dan Gryder the biggest asset to aviation on youtube?

    What is it? I have two in mind but haven't seen either of them.
  10. david.h

    My 1st time going into class C at night, any advice?

    I did ALL of my training out of a class C, kaus. Of course that was 20 + yrs ago...but was worth it. Never feared the radio or mixing with the pros.
  11. david.h


    Pm you.
  12. david.h


    I'm an engineer at StandardAero, we overhaul J85 (T38) eng9nes and T56/AE2100 (C130) engines. J85: a single rivet will damage several blades on moat compressor stages. Might ding the turbine blades too. Usually keeps running, but can cause compressor stall and they'll remove the engine and...
  13. david.h

    Radia Windrunner

    I don't think it looks too bad for performance. Blades are big, but not too heavy. Looks like a long boxy super guppy. That plane has "tiny" wings for its size but does just fine.
  14. david.h

    FIKI cert Mooney adequate for regular winter trips to Newfoundland and Labrador from New England?

    Turbo FIKI Mooney with TKS should be fine. As good as any other single piston wet wing. But I'd be chicken to do it often. Former Mooney engineer and pilot.