Recent content by Groundpounder

  1. Groundpounder

    Cleaning engine compartment

    Inside the cowling. Rain does not get to the entire compartment.
  2. Groundpounder

    Cleaning engine compartment

    The engine compartment on my airplane got covered in a ton of dust while it was being painted. What is the best way to clean it? Obviously not taking a pressure washer to it, but trying to wipe everything down with a rag is a little time consuming. Can I used compressed air to help with the...
  3. Groundpounder

    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    Accurate enough?
  4. Groundpounder

    Blue Angels IMAX

    The most recent Fighter Pilot Podcast episode, they interview Greg Wooldridge, who was a three time boss of the BA's, and was a producer on this movie. He goes into a lot of the logistics and inner workings of the team. Worth this listen.
  5. Groundpounder

    Flying with retired pilots

    I would not let someone that knows very little about aviation dictate how you operate and crew an airplane where you are the PIC. What does she expect the other person to do? I would sit her down and find out what her fears are.
  6. Groundpounder

    What’s going on at United

    There is also a significant swath of the population that didn't/doesn't realize they can actually become a pilot. Those are the people that these programs are trying to reach.
  7. Groundpounder

    Boeing cargo plane makes emergency 'belly' landing

    I want to know why the pilots went out the window vs the main door. Both seemed to be about the same height above the ground, and the door would be way less awkward. Or wait 5 min for the firefighters to put a ladder up to the door.
  8. Groundpounder

    Do airlines or employers care what kind of logbook I have?

    I had about the same percentage of error on mine. I tried to find the issue(s) but never did. Nothing was mentioned in my interview, so I guess it wasn't a big deal.
  9. Groundpounder

    Do airlines or employers care what kind of logbook I have?

    Can you think of a better way to present them at an interview?
  10. Groundpounder

    Do airlines or employers care what kind of logbook I have?

    As long as it can be printed and presented in an acceptable manner, plus is a standard format, it should be fine.
  11. Groundpounder

    Do airlines or employers care what kind of logbook I have?

    Get an electronic one, makes things way easier
  12. Groundpounder

    The missing light - and now you know the rest of the story

    "Jerry Wagner" has replaced the "Leroy Jenkins" nomenclature in my vocabulary.
  13. Groundpounder

    What’s going on at United

    Sure, no prob. It's called marketing towards a demographic to increase their customer base. Anyway, I'm not going to change your mind about this, so I will defer to the same answer I give my wife we are at an impasse, and that is "yes dear".
  14. Groundpounder

    What’s going on at United

    You do realize that Aviate is a flight school, right? Like, a money making proposition? And trying to increase your customer base is good for business?