Recent content by Initial Fix

  1. Initial Fix

    Next word that comes to mind...

  2. Initial Fix

    Finding approaches based on type

    Great bash script. If I’m reading correctly it provides all ILS for whatever state it’s edited to support (Alaska and others in the shown script ) So I’d just need to add the additional filter for no tower
  3. Initial Fix

    Amazing save in a Grumman AA-1C

    Wow! Glad your down safe!
  4. Initial Fix

    Restoration cost - rough idea?

    I would call that maintenance. Just keep at it. In my old plane, we found fuel lines that were original to the plane that were over 60 years old :oops: You just need to keep at it over the years.
  5. Initial Fix

    Finding approaches based on type

    @Jim K I think I know the Class C your thinking of; I didn't realise it was that sleepy. But you pretty much nailed it. I want to fly the approaches without dealing with ATC so I can just more easily futz around. I am getting very comfortable with the 750xi/500/G3x, I'm just working to build...
  6. Initial Fix

    50 Year old wreck found in lake Champlain

    I hope it brings closure to the families.
  7. Initial Fix

    Handheld transceiver recommendations? Icom, Yaesu, or Sporty's?

    I have an icon IC-24. It was used quite a bit when I bought it for training, and backup as the rentals sometimes had dodgy radios.
  8. Initial Fix

    Next word that comes to mind...

  9. Initial Fix

    Flying by the numbers ?

    I’ve met many pilots who continue to follow odd things their instructor taught them. Everything from personal minimums a first solo would use, avoiding any ATC because they are “mean”, no clouds for 100 miles, and more. All certified pilots. If 80, 70, 65 works, then use it as a guide. It...
  10. Initial Fix

    Pireps on the new Lightspeed Delta?

    Can you describe the popping noise? Do you think it’s a feedback into the ANC? My Z3’s will have a ANC feedback but only if my headset bumps the inside of the plane. It’s never bothered me as I can rationalize the cause.
  11. Initial Fix

    Next word that comes to mind...

  12. Initial Fix

    IMC definition for approach logging

    I was just about to post the same article :)
  13. Initial Fix

    Finding approaches based on type

    That’s basically what I was doing when I started the thread. When I read your reply it sounded like you had a more elegant technique.
  14. Initial Fix

    Pireps on the new Lightspeed Delta?

    @Datadriver very interesting. that’s a great reason for me to try a pair on.
  15. Initial Fix

    Finding approaches based on type

    Foreflight. I don’t subscribe to that EFB. Skyvector doesn’t seem to search that way. FAA web tools don’t appear to search that way. I guess I’m back to old school scripts into the faa database.