Recent content by Klaus M

  1. Klaus M

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    @Sam7 , Just get a Tail Dragger and you'll never be lonely again. Women and buddies you never knew you had will be calling three times a day. :blueplane::blowingkisses: :cheerswine: :blueplane:
  2. Klaus M

    Who is This

    A.I. images is maturing slowly but surly. :rolleyes: Asked META A.I. to create image of "Beaver on floats in Alaska" in February 2024 then again today May 30, 2024. Here's what it's coming up with... Maybe next year it will get it right :fcross::p
  3. Klaus M

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Nothing more fun to drive then.....
  4. Klaus M

    The end of Reno

    Here's the Air Race Official website: :blueplane::cheers::blueplane:
  5. Klaus M

    Piper wing spar eddy current testing

    I should not point my finger at the current ownership of Piper as it changes quite often. The current ownership according to Wikipedia is Brunei Ministry of Finance. The troubles at Piper started with the bankruptcy in the mid 90's and the 'New Piper Aircraft'. Since then it's been difficult to...
  6. Klaus M

    Extra 300 Down-WA State
  7. Klaus M

    Piper wing spar eddy current testing

    I called and asked Piper about 15 years ago after receiving parts of low quality. They told me that everything was of the highest standards and FAA approved. Other words, "We're not telling you anything".
  8. Klaus M

    ElectroAir EIS 61000 Start Problem (Dual Electronic Ignition on Lycoming O-540-J3C5D)

    I've had poor service from ElectroAir so you need to do a little troubleshooting of your own. Each time something else has been the problem because the aircraft old components don't work well with new tech. Troubleshoot: Check that the ignition switch is not turning off the start side of the...
  9. Klaus M

    Piper wing spar eddy current testing

    Very popular "Bush" planes in Alaska are the PA-32-300 Cherokee Six and PA-32-301 Saratoga. Many Air-Taxis use the Cherokee because of it's impressive useful load per horsepower. The first spars that got inspected failed at a high rate until an experienced Eddy Current NDT person realized that...
  10. Klaus M

    If [BLANK] is what you find too expensive about flying...

    This is the Piper manifold pressure gauge air filter. You need two for a twin engine aircraft. Maybe these filters could be OPP depends on the owner. :wonderwoman::goofy::blowingkisses:
  11. Klaus M

    trouble light, work light

    It's hard to beat the ol' tried and true MagLite. This is my goto flash light most times (2 D-cell LED). ELTs with D-Cells are still common enough to keep me stocked up with good batteries. :lightning:
  12. Klaus M

    I just got screwed..

    Ahh.. you had to bring that up. Youtuber - balroc12 , made a series of videos that should be required watching for starting out career pilots: Here's the first one to get ya started:
  13. Klaus M

    I just got screwed..

    Ethan, just a little advise... Go to any airport coffee shop restaurant and sit with the old pilots that meet each morning. Your story for a 400 hour pilot is not unusual and you'll get advise face to face with those who have been there and done that. There's many of the commercial pilots on...
  14. Klaus M

    I just got screwed..

    I'm really curious why you chased the skydiving job? A local 500 hour pilot was offered a Glider -Tow, Right Seat in charter twin and CFI job here in his home town but, decided to chase the skydiving job.... Why? what is the attraction?
  15. Klaus M

    Nav-o-matic 300 autopilot

    How much money do you plan on spending to get the Nav-O-Matic working? Auto-Pilot technology has jumped leaps and bounds. Keep in mind that replacing the Auto-Pilot system with a modern digital system will increase the usefulness and value of the aircraft. Even after you get the Nav-O-Matic...