Recent content by SebIp

  1. S

    Resorts near small airports?

    Come north:
  2. S

    Gravity is broken (worst journalism ever)

    That works out to average of 1.2 g the way they reported it? For people to hit the ceiling and have serious injuries I’d expect like 2 g?
  3. S

    New device increases safety for general aviation pilots

    Can set it to call you a retard like on the airbus? I’ll show myself out…
  4. S

    RPM/Performance decrease after cylinder replacement & carburetor rebuild

    On our engine we had a vibration problem and it turns out to be three of the rods are wrong length. We think we hr previous owners when they had cylinders replaced their old shop did not change the rods. You’d think dry tappet clearance would be part of the work but it seems like not anyone’s...
  5. S

    Singapore B777 (Flight SQ321) PAX Killed in Turbulence

    Person died from heart attack it says.
  6. S

    RPM/Performance decrease after cylinder replacement & carburetor rebuild

    Or a different mechanic if they don’t know why. We have found not all mechanics really understand engines.
  7. S

    how much risk flying in windy conditions

    The school I used to be with has a 20 knots soft limit for PPL. My instructor followed that for the most part and we’d cancel if it hits 20. He relaxed it more as we went along. However my pre solo checkout with another instructor was done in gusting to 25. It’s all about comfort and...
  8. S

    172/Cherokee gotchas

    Needed to be said and correct unless you enjoy buying and selling. I had wanted to push partners to swap for a cardinal too for the ease of in and out but always one reason or another to keep our clown car enthusiast piper..
  9. S

    172/Cherokee gotchas

    One door sucks. You best see if you wife can get into one before you buy. My dad doesn’t need a wheel chair but I can’t see bringing him in our pa28 cause once I am in who’s going to make sure he can get up and in? And shoving him in the back is likely problematic too. And yes it does not...
  10. S

    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    And to make it more depressing, think about the % of people who didn't divorce but are unhappy in one way or another.
  11. S

    A new panel with only GPS navigation for IFR flying

    Feels liken there is a forgone conclusion so don’t get why post the question at all. Also feel like there is a fair bit of making excuses in face of clear benefits. And somehow bit of resignation mixed in as well “oh well it’ll be too hard”. I mean if vor is too hard then partial panel is what...
  12. S

    Multiple Recent ATC Errors...Why?

    Don’t ATC have to have medicals as well? They do here in Canada. This seems like out of context stuff here.
  13. S

    Sport Pilot training/plane question

    Why sport pilot when you are retired? Likely not a lot more time for someone who can go train everyday there’s good weather to get your ppl.
  14. S

    Headset Evaluation

    So Bose support is bad then lol. It says two connections in their manual.
  15. S

    Headset Evaluation

    Zulus only does one Bluetooth at a time. If your plans are to do this for a job you’ll move into instructing? If so then you might be using. A headset for a while. In that case then maybe worth the money. However, lower cost ANC headsets works well too. So don’t discount those.