Recent content by William Pete Hodges

  1. William Pete Hodges

    Resorts near small airports?

    Bryce Resort Airport, Bayse VA
  2. William Pete Hodges

    Climb prop at high altitude cruise?

    >>>>>>>>> Dan Thomas said: "That Lycoming O-320 has a max continuous rating of 2700 RPM and 150 HP, straight out of the TCDS. As I posted: And as I said, the propeller is pitched to allow full-throttle operation that gives 2700 RPM and 150 HP at sea level. No maximum continuous ratings are...
  3. William Pete Hodges

    Climb prop at high altitude cruise?

    This chart us a really good example of how engine power changes with altitude and RPM. Notice how the cruise RPM listed is less at lower altitude? That's because at higher RPM the engine would develop more power than its continuous power rating. That would be considered unsustainable, leading...
  4. William Pete Hodges

    Etiquette for using a friends plane

    Mark In order to keep an airplane in airworthy condition it needs to be flown at least semi-regularly. If the owner of the airplane cannot do this, then he must find someone else who can. That sometimes means paying a flight instructor to fly the airplane about twice a month or more. When I...
  5. William Pete Hodges

    Pulse oximeter?

    My wife just got an iHealth AIR Rechargeable Fingertip Pulse Oximeter From Amazon. It reports to your smart phone for $30.
  6. William Pete Hodges

    Questions on Clearance delivery with a phone number

    I did not know this was possible. I have been in a situation that might have benefited from that capability. Instead I waited several days for better weather. The aggravating part was there was really good weather just a few miles away. I didn't think specifical VFR was available on the...
  7. William Pete Hodges

    Back up GPS or 2nd Nav?

    I currently have 2 navcoms and 2 GPS units. The 2 GPS units have different added functions but I went this way so my wife could use one GPS while I navigate using the other. I like having ground based options in case the GPS system becomes unavailable but I confess I don't use VOR that much...
  8. William Pete Hodges

    So far away from me ...

    Try looking up sporadic e propagation. A number of articles show up. A friend of mine in Virginia on the 2 meter band got a QSL card from the Dominican Republic. So transmissions can be received at quite a distance.
  9. William Pete Hodges

    So far away from me ...

    I was on a car trip one time with a CB radio. I answered a call for a smokey report and they asked for the mile marker. Mine was 102, theirs was 156. The normally 2-4 mile signal had traversed 54 miles! More than 10 times the normal range. That is the only time it happened to me, but it can...
  10. William Pete Hodges

    how much risk flying in windy conditions

    Wow! I am glad my post stirred up some great comments! I was not thinking about the grip of the tires so much as the tendency for a gust of wind to lift a wing moving the airframe towards a rollover. I realize that is an extreme outcome, but not impossible in a strong gusty crosswind. The...
  11. William Pete Hodges

    how much risk flying in windy conditions

    I understand your point but I still disagree. To me the most vulnerable time in a crosswind landing is when one or more wheels just makes contact with runway as flying speed is dissipating and aerodynamic control is diminishing, but the wings are still flying and the wheels have very light grip...
  12. William Pete Hodges

    how much risk flying in windy conditions

    At your experience level you are mostly correct, but as you gain experience your understanding and ability will reduce risks and improve your comfort level. Certified airplanes are designed to handle crosswinds and have demonstrated crosswind performance posted somewhere in the cockpit of the...
  13. William Pete Hodges

    Flamping... Sort of

    I recently read a post where a person did just that. With pictures too, I think it was the thread about what fun thing did you buy or do for your airplane.
  14. William Pete Hodges

    Practicing short field landings in gusting winds

    I consider short field landings and cross wind landings to be two different disciplines. When I train for short field, I train short field. If there is a good steady crosswind, like 8-12 mph and steady, then I train for crosswind. If I have done a few of them and are happy, then I work on...