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  1. gov98

    Under insured and sweating a little bit..

    Your plane is parked...this is what's know in the liability world as a "best case scenario" for you (I don't actually know this but work with me.) Because he hit your plane MOST LIKELY he is going to be 100% at fault for the collision. It's hard to see a scenario where you bare any percentage...
  2. gov98

    Filing and flying IFR without Instrument Rating

    I am not an aviation lawyer, but generally there is no legal obligation to turn in anyway else. (Except in cases of like harboring a felon) That has nothing to do with moral responsibility. If you don't turn him in and he crashes his plane killing his young wife and a couple children, well you...
  3. gov98

    Filing and flying IFR without Instrument Rating

    I'm sorry this kind of attitude is just plain out exhausting. This "pilot" isn't owed anything ANYTHING. It's not even right to call him a pilot, he is a danger and a menace to people in the air and on the ground. Frankly his ticket should be taken his plane impounded and sold. A pilot I'm...
  4. gov98

    A Socio economic discussion about boomers.

    I tend to think that prices will be somewhat "sticky", because people hate selling something for less than they perceive it is worth. As wealth is passed down to the successive generation, people who thought they could never "own" a home will just end up owning the inherited property...
  5. gov98

    Prop control knob hard to push/pull

    Get the cable replaced. I've had this problem twice...both with the prop and mixture...the failures only occurred on the ground, but that's what that means. AND it's probably because it is cold. When it is cold they do get more stiff and that is when the cables fail.
  6. gov98

    KOAK North Field Information Request

    Thank you for the information! It never ceases to amaze how hard it is to get ahold of the right people at these GA airports.
  7. gov98

    KOAK North Field Information Request

    I was wondering if anyone knows how things "work" on KOAK's North Field for your single engine prop style pilots. I've seen some older threads that suggest one can get a tie-down for ~$80/mo, but I don't know if that's accurate or not. I tried e-mailing the airport rep, but haven't heard back...
  8. gov98

    Exhaust Valve Seat out of Round

    So, to clarify as best I can. I do not know if there was any issue with the valve seats at all. The cylinder was getting 0 compression. My shop took the cylinder off and sent to LyCon. LyCon examined the cylinder. The cylinder bore was out of round. Information was communicated to my shop...
  9. gov98

    Exhaust Valve Seat out of Round

    Hey Bell, So based upon your post I called Lycon and spoke to them directly, and apparently, it wasn't the exhaust valve guide that was out of round, it was the entire cylinder bore, so the shaft had worn unevenly and was out of round. Now I'm even more lost as to what was happening on that...
  10. gov98

    Exhaust Valve Seat out of Round

    So, my shop sends the cylinder out to Lycon. The way it's described to me, is that it is repairable, but not inexpensively and that given the overall age and condition of the cylinder it is better to just get a new cylinder. I don't really have a way of knowing, perhaps I should be more...
  11. gov98

    Exhaust Valve Seat out of Round

    Thank you! Odds are that's probably exactly it. Thank you so much!
  12. gov98

    Exhaust Valve Seat out of Round

    Everything else is working fine. I really didn't mean to create confusion.
  13. gov98

    Exhaust Valve Seat out of Round

    Engine is a Lycoming IO-540. The cylinder was pulled and sent to Lycon in Visalia, who I trust. They examined the cylinder and stated that the cost to repair made it more practicable to obtain a new cylinder rather than repair. I’m not terrible worried about doing that. I’m just more curious...
  14. gov98

    Exhaust Valve Seat out of Round

    Recently was noticing some odd behavior on cylinder #3 on the engine monitor, so took it in to the shop, and low an behold the #3 cylinder had 0 compression, and whistling about the exhaust valve. Cylinder was removed and red tagged because the valve seat was .005 out of round. My question is...
  15. gov98

    sudden lack of confidence

    I'm right around 600 hours myself, I don't know OP, I think at times its changed quite a bit. So I might understand a little bit. One, I was flying over some think Valley Fog that went on for a good 60 miles in every direction. While origin and destination were free and clear, while I was up...
  16. gov98

    airplane as an investment..different take

    Lot of Afghan's right now wish they had had a plane on Friday of last week and a local GA airport to fly from. It may not be a winning financial investment... but I can tell you this much, a fully fueled GA aircraft can take you from one part of the country to another quicker than any other...
  17. gov98

    NAV121 VOR fixable? did great work for me repairing a Nav 121 in the past.
  18. gov98

    KLN94 to a KNI520?

    Hey I mean I get it, and more power to you if you can get someone to sign off on it. I guess I just estimate roughly that the process of installing the wiring etc. is going to involve taking a lot of stuff out to put old stuff in. Which is great but I think you're looking closer to 3-5000 in...
  19. gov98

    KLN94 to a KNI520?

    So um...well... in the um ahem... legal world (anyone feel free to correct me if I wrong) you're not going to ahem get your KLN ever certified by anyone for IFR operation at a reasonable price. Since they didn't do the original work they aren't going to sign off on the required documents to...
  20. gov98

    How long do "these markets" last?

    Frankly I think the idea that anyone truly knows is kind of absurd. I see reasons to believe that a recession may be imminent. On the other hand...I also see signs that "money printer go brrrrrrr" (as the memes have it) will rule the day until Weimer Germany level inflation takes hold. The...