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  1. Salty

    Flying by the numbers ?

    This is very different than covering up needed instruments during instrument training IMO. I’m not trying to talk you out of anything, seems clear there’s no chance of that. Just stating my opinion. It seems to me stall spins are a bigger problem than unstable approaches. Again JMO
  2. Salty

    Flying by the numbers ?

    It’s not its effectiveness I doubt. It’s the possibility of ingraining the wrong message. “the airspeed indicator is not important for landing. Your landings will be better if you don’t use it. “
  3. Salty

    Flying by the numbers ?

    Covering up a primary instrument during initial training seems like a bad idea to me. If you covered my airspeed indicator during landing for primary training, I’d assume you were trying to say airspeed is not important for this maneuver. My instructors just reminded me how to use it correctly...
  4. Salty

    Finding approaches based on type

    Opposite of what you said. The /d at the end of the sed is for delete. It’s everything except those states. The name of the file “conus.xml” is also a clue.
  5. Salty

    Renting out my home flight simulator.

    Only if it’s an AATD, which he did not specify it is, and most personally owned aren’t so I assumed.
  6. Salty

    Renting out my home flight simulator.

    Well, you can, but it counts for nothing. You can log time sitting on a 737 to Houston, but it counts for nothing.
  7. Salty

    Renting out my home flight simulator.

    You can’t log the time unless you have an instructor.
  8. Salty

    Glider add on

    1 2. Private 3. Yes 4. Huh? 5. Go for the one you want. I did private, but I sat through the oral for the guy in front of me doing a commercial, and I could have easily passed it.
  9. Salty

    34, feeling lost, lonely

    In todays world, where do you post a personal ad?
  10. Salty

    A hybrid electric STOL plane

    I’m not seeing any problem this is solving, that can’t be solved with existing designs for less money.
  11. Salty

    Tesla Pickup Unveil

    It's pretty low. I'm not even sure I agree completely. The cybertruck has a little more appeal in my eyes. But it's definitely going down the same back alley.
  12. Salty

    What if You’re Philosophically Opposed to AA?

    I don't think philosophical opposition to government mandates make a lot of difference in general, unless you're starting a revolution.
  13. Salty

    Etiquette for using a friends plane

    My situation is a little different than yours but I will share it anyway. I’ve had this luxury twice now. The only difference is that I live in an airport community and provided storage and security for the aircraft, so they were getting slightly more benefits than the owner in your situation...
  14. Salty

    Zero hours/sitting idle

    AOL is owned by Yahoo! which is owed my a large conglomerate.
  15. Salty

    So I just bought a crate of Liquid Death

    Interestingly enough, I went and read the rules and it's only $100k you'll need for the tax man. I'm really surprised by that.
  16. Salty

    So I just bought a crate of Liquid Death

    Hope you've saved up your 1/2 million dollars to pay the IRS when you win. I guarantee they didn't lowball the aircraft value for the write-off....
  17. Salty

    Can a Sport Pilot get a Glider cert and then a Commercial Glider cert without medicals?

    Perhaps you missed the part where I was already rated to fly ASEL? It was less than an hour of flying.
  18. Salty

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    Typo of "Heir in law"? lol
  19. Salty

    Can a Sport Pilot get a Glider cert and then a Commercial Glider cert without medicals?

    It is sport pilots, not the aircraft that have the limitation. If you have a glider rating and you are flying a glider, the only way that would be legal is by using your glider rating. You can't fly a glider with a sport pilot rating. Your glider rating has no 10k limitation. I've flown LSA...