Search results

  1. E

    Tandem Aerobatic Planes

    Thank you all for the replies, and its been a pleasure discovering all these models. The turbine legend really caught my eye, as did the RV8. Does anyone by chance know which of the Vans aircraft asisde from the RV8 are aerobatic rated?
  2. E

    Tandem Aerobatic Planes

    Looking for suggestions for slightly aerobatic planes, simple maneuvers like loops and rolls, nothing crazy. Two person airplane that I can have some fun in but at the same time able to fly places when not messing around. Some planes I've come across, to give you an idea of what I'm looking at...
  3. E

    Want To Buy Lightspeed Headsets

    Looking to upgrade from my old David Clarkes, especially now that I a flying everyday. Looking for Sierra, with bluetooth, Zulu 2 or Zulu 3. Can either email me at or PM me here.