Search results

  1. Jim Carpenter

    Whelen tail strobe acting erratically

    I'd start here as well. I've experienced similar issues with strobes (although not a tail-beacon), and it was a failing bulb.
  2. Jim Carpenter

    Leadville Co Density Altitude 11,500

    Just curious, what does balanced field length work out to be at that elevation?
  3. Jim Carpenter

    Leadville Co Density Altitude 11,500

    Probably right about that, you'd have to go in the winter, even then, marginal, standard temperature for Leadville, about -5C (25F)
  4. Jim Carpenter

    Cessna 150 (N1701Q) near Cleburne, 1 fatal.

    150/152 only have on-off fuel selector.
  5. Jim Carpenter

    trouble light, work light

  6. Jim Carpenter

    Piper Warrior budget Waas Gps advice

    Wow! You still have a Northstar wheel chock in that panel!
  7. Jim Carpenter

    Prog Charts - inop since 4/15/24

    Appears to be back this morning (4/19) but with only 2 days prog.
  8. Jim Carpenter

    The "Royal We"

    Or maybe a French thing.
  9. Jim Carpenter

    Terra TMA 340 D "Usual" operation for headsets would have the eight switches in the middle position, and the Auto switch in the down, or PHONE position. Then the right-hand knob is used to go back and forth between C1 and C2...
  10. Jim Carpenter

    Electrical gremlins

    As said, you (or mechanic) really want the proper crimp tool for the ring terminal, mashing with a hammer just doesn't cut it. If you think more cables are old and need replacing, Bogert sells cable kits, but more expensive than making one new cable:
  11. Jim Carpenter

    IFR Flight Plan Starting at a VOR?

    Good discussion on SIDs, but, all moot at this point. Note, OP edited out the SID comment, and, besides, for that direction of flight, the 2 SIDs for KHND are turbojet only anyway.
  12. Jim Carpenter

    Do you plan on flying (or traveling in general) to see the eclipse on April 8th?

    Taking the Learjet to Nova Scotia. (Sorry, somebody had to say it...)
  13. Jim Carpenter

    Struggling with single engine commercial

    Yes, personal relationships can sometimes make the student-instructor dynamic difficult. Might be worthwhile to try a mock checkride (if you're that far along) with an (objective) 3rd-party instructor, as well.
  14. Jim Carpenter

    New to tent camping, need ideas for possible Sun n fun

    You could do this:
  15. Jim Carpenter

    VFR weather minimums and patterns

    Though SVFR has "minimums" specified (1 mike vis. and clear of clouds), it's not really about you and your plane, it's about separation from IFR traffic, so that ATC knows where everyone is and what they're doing. That said, I'm also of the camp that can only think of a few special scenarios...
  16. Jim Carpenter

    Question on Needing Photo Identification
  17. Jim Carpenter

    Question on Needing Photo Identification

    She could apply for a US passport, but that might take awhile (weeks). Or, I'm sure every state has some form of non-driver ID, should be fairly simple to obtain.
  18. Jim Carpenter

    New Garmin GTR205/GNC215 COM and NAVCOM radios

    Looks like $2695 and $5295, and yes, fits the SL30/SL40 slot (at least, size-wise.)
  19. Jim Carpenter

    Information overload/Paralysis by analysis

    Maybe not right away; but one 'quicker' path, might be: complete PPL and IR at home with what is available, then 'move' to the big city (Denver, Salt Lake, etc.) to a busy flight school for Commercial and CFI, hopefully a school that will turn around and hire you the day after you get your...
  20. Jim Carpenter

    Strike Finder or ADF

    But, now, where do you dry your socks when camping at Oshkosh?