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  1. Llewtrah381

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    Barron - is that you?!?
  2. Llewtrah381

    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    The knob correlates pretty well with the result I get from the E6B in my Aera 660 - typically either spot on or off by a knot either way. Same with the 275 and the E6B, for that matter, since the IAS is consistently lower on the steam gauge than the 275. Interestingly the altimeter reads a few...
  3. Llewtrah381

    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    It has a knob you turn to set the temp vs alt, which moves a ring (white in the pix) to show TAS. Both the CAS and TAS on the steam gauge consistently read a few knots lower than the 275. Yep - I was at 16K in my (180hp) Warrior. A solid endorsement for ElectroAir!
  4. Llewtrah381

    Climb prop at high altitude cruise?

    Mine came pitched for climb and I found I frequently had issues keeping it below red line at altitude so I had it repitched to cruise. That helped tremendously with avoiding redline but added a few degrees to CHT. It did increase my cruise speed a few knots but didn’t hurt my climb performance...
  5. Llewtrah381

    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    For TAS as well? My newish 275 reads a few knots faster than the steam gauge. Both are plumbed into the same pitot-static system (which had all the tubing replaced when the 275 went in). I wanna believe the 275 but just checking. But I think you’re right.
  6. Llewtrah381

    Simple departure, ugly result!

    She took off on 12L and started off turning right, possibly to 150. Look at the track on the pix in the OP. Then the controller told her to turn left - which she did - but way too far. Seems to me the controllers did just fine and were very diplomatic
  7. Llewtrah381

    Simple departure, ugly result!

    Following the magenta line the wrong way?
  8. Llewtrah381

    National Champion Air Races Landing in Roswell, NM

    Albuquerque is about a 3 hour drive away and Ruidoso, a nice town in the pines (with wild horses and elk grazing in people’s yards) is about 1:15 away and has lots of cute VRBO cabins.
  9. Llewtrah381

    Blue Angels IMAX

    I think most of us were expecting something closer to 90-120 minutes of this: Now, even that video in IMAX would still be cool. (Pretty sure this is a redo; the original used A-4’s)
  10. Llewtrah381

    Blue Angels IMAX

    Just finished watching it on Prime. It was decent but far more “intellectual” than “visual “, IMHO. We felt like not seeing it on IMAX didn’t cost us much experience-wise.
  11. Llewtrah381

    Blue Angels IMAX

    We just checked to see showtimes for today around Austin and it’s completely gone from here already! The nearest places are in San Antonio. BUT it’s streaming for “free” on Prime already. Not iMax but at least we can check it out at home. That was quick. And odd it’s “free”. They didn’t...
  12. Llewtrah381

    Osh 2024 NOTAM is out

    BTW: not in the NOTAM but the Mass Arrivals have a different schedule this year which will make things better, especially on Saturday: instead of four arrivals Saturday, there’s one each on Fri and Sat morning and one each on Fri and Sat afternoon (plus one Sunday).
  13. Llewtrah381


    The talk is of moving it from Schedule I, which are drugs with “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse” such as LSD, heroin, and MDMA, to Schedule III, which are “drugs with a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence” such as Tylenol with...
  14. Llewtrah381

    If you have to ask,...

    The Widowmaker
  15. Llewtrah381


    As a gyro pilot, I couldn’t agree more with you. It was shameful to see people on the rotaryforum try to rationalize this guy’s actions.
  16. Llewtrah381

    Wag-Aero's Demise

    I don’t disagree with a single word you said AND I still am not sure the statement that “…the motivation for them to build businesses diminish…” is substantiated. My observation is that people tend to optimize their assets within their environment. Change the environment and they’ll change their...
  17. Llewtrah381

    Wag-Aero's Demise

    That feels a lot like it deserves “The canard about high incomes paying lower tax rates taking away from the top, and the motivation for them to build businesses diminish, and the downstream effect is less employment or even layoffs, needs to be beaten down with extreme prejudice every single...
  18. Llewtrah381

    Wag-Aero's Demise

    Not sure if that will happen but I gotta say, private equity is ruining lots of things in lots of domains, especially healthcare, IMHO. To see what they’re doing to assisted living facilities, ER groups, even plain old “senior living” places is disheartening. Overall I’m a fan of capitalism but...
  19. Llewtrah381

    Low-cost, portable CO detector?

    I have this one and like it