faa medical

  1. K

    Timeline after denial

    First class SI denied about two weeks ago, which was supposedly the result of a documentation error. FAA indicated they would reconsider by providing a number of items which had already been provided. Apparently the reviewing physician was reviewing AME, Psychologist and Psychiatrist reports...
  2. L

    In the waiting with some questions.

    Alright, first and foremost I’ve already seen my AME, med got deferred to Oklahoma City(Yay). I was deferred due to the use of an SSRI(Zoloft), I was on the medication for roughly ten months before discontinuing on my own accord with my doctors approval. I was on the medication due to some...
  3. M

    First Class Medical with GAD and SSRI

    I need some opinions here. Just to disclose, I have not filled out MedExpress or gone through the actual examination. In 2019, I saw my pcp for anxiety issues that I was going through during my first years of high school. Now that I'm in college, I no longer experience these anxieties. I was...
  4. D

    Lengthly medical history for aspiring pilot

    Hello, I been interested in learning to fly and ultimately making it a career. Went to my local flight school and got information on how to get started. I was told I should do my FAA medical exam first. I’m a little concerned if I’ll have my FAA medical approved. I’m 24 and last year suddenly I...
  5. Y

    Old Charges/Never Arrested or Convicted: Should I start Flight School?

    Hi all, I have browsed through the web regarding this question as it worries me. Although there are many threads about this, I have not found any similar to my situation. I wish to start flight training later this year, so I want to get all my ducks in a row before I spend all that time and...
  6. PeterNSteinmetz

    Common FAA medical questions and information page

    I am pleased to provide a link to a new set of pages I have put up on my website which attempt to provide basic information regarding the process of obtaining an FAA medical, some of the issues with difficult cases, and answers to commonly asked questions...
  7. R

    1 year later I get a letter from the FAA

    Hey Everyone, I just wanted to get some thoughts and feedback on what to expect from the FAA in my case. Last year on March 2019 I was interested in getting my PPL. So I did some research not knowing anything about aviation and where to begin, I figured the best place to start was to get my...
  8. T

    PTSD Medical

    Just out of curiosity. Have any of you been able to obtain a medical with a PTSD diagnosis? I have flown black-hawks for 21 years in the army. I was also cross trained as a PA. I have been diagnosed PTSD with symptoms only at night. I do have basic depression during the day but nothing drastic...