Search results

  1. U

    Next plane...

    Studying for IFR, raining outside, daydreaming... What would y'all recommend for a next plane? Home field is 2100' paved. Grass strip parallels it. Currently have a 172M. Would like to go faster and carry a little bit more. Would worry about a Mooney consistent getting into field of this length...
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    Garmin 430W issues

    My 430W popped up a error across the screen today while flying through rough turbulence, something about losing all GPS signal. Should've grabbed a pic, but was a little busy. The ABSB in from my GDL39 was still working, as it was still giving data to my tablet running Pilot. I turned around...
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    Any aviation specific black friday sales?

    Anyone know of any aviation-specific black friday sales coming up? I know I need a PAR 46 led landing light. And IFR training material. Post links if you know of any.
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    Garmin Pilot weather...

    Anyone else have a problem with airport weather not appearing in the icon wheel around airports anymore? Connected to wifi, all metar info in recent. Tap on an airport, no weather icon. I've tried restarting the app, rebooting the tablet, clicking the 'Refresh Weather Text' link... no luck.
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    New England Spring meet-up

    Anyone up for a NE breakfast or lunch meet up? KGON still have a restaurant? KPVC and take the $2 bus into town? 7B3 (guess I could fly around the pattern...) KSFM had a good breakfast place last time I was there KASH was decent. KPYM, haven't tried this place yet. 6B6 I heard this place is good.
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    IFR study programs

    What's the current favorite IFR study program? Working up the mojo to study for my written again and finally get my rating.
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    Short and soft

    Not something that a guy would normally brag about, but had my best landing in so far this year today. Been working on my approach speeds, and today got it pretty spot on. Touch of throttle, full flaps, wings level, stall horn just starting to squawk all the way on final. Got over the trees at...
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    Crow Island Airpark fly-in this weekend 8MA4 Might try to fly over tomorrow morning.
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    What's a good way to predict fog? Living on the seacoast of NH, we've had some pretty thick fog roll in during the mornings and evenings. It didn't show up on any of the forecasting tools I was using, include the NOAA GFA tool. Are there other things I can look at to try to predict when fog...
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    NH to VA tomorrow

    Will probably stop 3/4 of the way down for gas/lunch/pee. Suggestions on cool little airports to stop at? Grass airfield with fuel and lunch preferred.
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    Interior plastics

    Where's a good place to find new interior plastic panels? Have a 172 that needs some interior love, and would like to replace some of the panels in the rear of the plane.
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    150 knots for $50k

    I guy can dream, can't he?
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    Northeast Fall FlyIns

    Anyone know of interesting fly ins happening this fall? If so, post them up!
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    Cessna 172 not down in NH today

    Went flying, didn't crash. Landed without incident. No one died. No one else crashed at the airport, either. Or yesterday. Thoughts and prayers and stuff. Sorry for no link to the news, since the local news didn't cover it.
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    0-320 Carburetor rebuilds

    What is the best option here? Send it out for a rebuild? An exchange with newly rebuilt? What are the good shops for this?
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    Thinking of flying down for a few days of work in Providence. Any info on the airport for an out-of-stater keeping a plane there for a few days? I'll call and get the fees. Is there public parking area on the ramp?
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    Wanted: Club Membership Looking for partnership at KPSM or 7B3

    Looking to see if there are any partnerships or clubs at either airport. Currently have about 200 hours, working on an instrument rating.
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    I live right outside the downwind leg of a small local, but quite busy, non-towered airport. Basically under the 45 for the 20 runway. While doing yardwork today, hearing a plane at full throttle with the sound changing with airplane pitch, I look up to see a plane doing barrel rolls and other...
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    Plane parts... what's it worth?

    I have an exhaust system (muffler and headers) for a Lycoming 0-320 from a Cessna 172M sitting in my garage after a switch to a Powerflow muffler. Want to sell it, but have no idea what its worth. Its in great, used condition. Hoping to cover the cost of new interior bits so my interior doesn't...
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    Airport options for GA into Philly

    Title says it all. What airports work well for GA into Philly? Going to family event downtown in the fall, have a plane, seems silly to not use it, etc... Which GA airports in the area work well and have good ground transportation to downtown?