6y9 Fly In 2019


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 3, 2008
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Someone mentioned starting a thread for the fly in.


Same place, same weekend. Same "rules." ( NO discussion of weather permitted) For other information, seek out the advice from regular attendees.

Or you can ask me. I think I have a good handle on most of what goes on. El Con also knows. Ed Fred also may have a couple of things to say. Funny how that works.:D
Soo....what's the weather typically like that week? :eek:
This one is close enough to home that it would be fun to partake.
Soo....what's the weather typically like that week? :eek:

Partly to mostly sunny or cloudy with visibility between zero and unlimited with ceilings between zero and unlimited, with a chance of rain or snow or thunderstorms.

The only certain thing is that we're gonna have a good time. :)
That's my kind of airport: Hidden in the trees, no visible signs or access roads and a bar within crawling distance!

Too bad it's so far away and I don't drink. :(
Partly to mostly sunny or cloudy with visibility between zero and unlimited with ceilings between zero and unlimited, with a chance of rain or snow or thunderstorms.

The only certain thing is that we're gonna have a good time. :)
This reminds me that I need to book my cabin! We'll, of course, be there. We've already signed up at the site!
This reminds me that I need to book my cabin! We'll, of course, be there. We've already signed up at the site!

It wouldn't be the same if you both weren't there! Technically, besides us, you are the only ones who have been to 6Y9 every year. :)
I plan to make it Friday afternoon to early Sunday. I'll most likely be driving and tent camping onsite.

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Unfortunately,It's booked too.

In talking with Tom and Bev, it sounds like the cabins have been down all summer.
Why would they wait until after Labor Day when most of the business is from hunters and snowmobilers?
They are not being renovated. There are other things going on that makes them not available.

Lodging is a challenge this year. Yikes. Anyone with any questions regarding options can pm me.
Lodging challenge alleviated with tents. Remember the first few years when "everyone" brought tents?
Lodging challenge alleviated with tents. Remember the first few years when "everyone" brought tents?

Yeah. I also remember when I could camp in a tent under a wing and love it. I just camped for a week in Oshkosh after having a travel trailer there last year. Never again! :vomit:

Is the old restaurant available? I might check on RVs in the area from Outdoorsy and RVShare but being a holiday weekend they're probably booked and/or stupid expensive.
What's "same place" and "same weekend?"

Presumably 6Y9, but the timing is secret?
but the timing is secret?
It's the old Julian vs. Gregorian Calendar conflict that confuses the date.
The trick is to find out when the Mackinaw bridge is closed to allow for walkers - thus totally cutting off the Upper Peninsula from civilization (Wisconsin doesn't count.) That's the weekend it happens.

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Yup! Labor Day weekend...the fundraising lunch being on SATURDAY, not on Labor Day itself.
Hmmm... this sounds kind of creepy!

Ha ha... nothing creepy...it's just that they are not available. Not sure if they will ever be available again. Things change.:( But things could also change back to the way they were.
A little over a week away!!!

Even though a lot of POA-er's haven't "officially" signed up, it looks to be shaping up for a good turn out, including some from the RAF, and others who aren't part of either group...yet.

So far on the field this year there has been a single moose, a mama moose with her calf, a mama bear and her 3 cubs, coyote, and oh yes, Maules, RANS, Kitfox, Pipers, and Cessnas along with some other various winged creatures.

Safe travels to all who are planning on coming. Look forward to seeing the repeaters, and always excited to meet the newbies.
I think we'll stop by for a bit but will be spending most of the weekend at N. Fox
I think we'll stop by for a bit but will be spending most of the weekend at N. Fox

Awesome! On both counts!
Hope we get a chance to meet. Between 10am and 3:30ish everything is a blur to me!:D
We plan to come, too. And we will head to North Fox afterwards! We are so really looking forward to seeing everyone again. :)
Well, this is a week we look forward to every year, but will not happen this years due to having to take more Vacation than planned for the Knee Surgery. This would have been the 7th year in a row for us. Nothing like Grant and Leslie's run but every year since we flew up in 2013. We will miss everyone. Every one fly safe, drive safe and enjoy yourselves.