Birds aren’t real


Cleared for Takeoff
Apr 9, 2010
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Watched the 60 Minutes expose this evening. Wow. Mind blown. Makes chemtrails seem so insignificant.
it was a completely fabricated "conspiracy group" to show how effing idiotic social media and especially the main stream media are and how the general public are so effing stupid that they'll believe the group actually exists. people who follow the main stream media as truth were so up in arms about this group and played right into their hands, it was so fantastic. most of them even blamed trum....uh, you know, that guy they tried to blame everything on. which is even funnier now that, well, now that we are where we are. I didn't see the 60 minutes episode but based on the replies here I'm guessing they also reported on the group as a real thing.

turn your fking TV's off, people, holy sht.
I stopped watching 60 minutes after they blew up a Chevy pickup truck with explosives as a demonstration of how dangerous the gas tanks were, and from what I understand completely fabricated a story about Audi's driving forward on their own. So I'd say it makes perfect sense that they'd do a story about birds not being real, because whatever their premise is has a good chance of being completely wrong.
...I didn't see the 60 minutes episode but based on the replies here I'm guessing they also reported on the group as a real thing....

Guess again. From the opening of the 60 Minutes segment:

"The Birds Aren't Real movement is, thankfully, satire, intended to mirror some of the absurdity that's taken flight across the country."
(I found it on the CBS News app on my Roku.)
I stopped watching 60 minutes after they blew up a Chevy pickup truck with explosives as a demonstration of how dangerous the gas tanks were, and from what I understand completely fabricated a story about Audi's driving forward on their own. So I'd say it makes perfect sense that they'd do a story about birds not being real, because whatever their premise is has a good chance of being completely wrong.

I know he is poorly regarded now for questionable business decisions and ethics, but seeing the pretentious, smarmy Leslie Stahl interview of Zuckerberg over a decade ago revealed more about her than anything else. A disguised hit-piece, but hitting for all the wrong reasons, which basically were "haha this guy is a dork and an introvert." Ensured I would never watch again.
They may be real, but you can have every last one of mine.
(endless bird poop patrol, til migration season)
I stopped watching 60 minutes after they blew up a Chevy pickup truck with explosives as a demonstration of how dangerous the gas tanks were, and from what I understand completely fabricated a story about Audi's driving forward on their own. So I'd say it makes perfect sense that they'd do a story about birds not being real, because whatever their premise is has a good chance of being completely wrong.
It was a Chevy, come one.
I stopped watching 60 minutes after they blew up a Chevy pickup truck with explosives as a demonstration of how dangerous the gas tanks were....

That was Dateline NBC, not 60 Minutes.

...and from what I understand completely fabricated a story about Audi's driving forward on their own.

That one did air on 60 Minutes.
You can make fun of this all you want, but the fact remains that there is a "bird gap" between the U.S. and Russia.
Proof of a Russian Drone disguised as a bird:

Attack on Joe Biden:

And, to be clear, this is nothing new.

We need the same sort of concerted national effort to address this that we had in the '60s.
I don't understand some of these bird jokes. It's like they're written in portugeese or something.
Are turkeys birds? Are they real? I killed a wild one this morning and it was made of meat no microchips to be found.

Most people are too chicken to do anything about the situation. They'll regret it when the problem comes home to roost.
These bird jokes just keep flying over my head ...

* if they are real *
Restated simpler: people are stupid.

Well, yes. Specifically though there are so many people on the internet who believe so many nutty things that's it's hard to tell when someone is serious or making a joke.
I stopped watching 60 minutes after they blew up a Chevy pickup truck with explosives as a demonstration of how dangerous the gas tanks were...

I stopped watching TV in 1999...

It's all garbage, especially HBO.