Lightspeed headset brain holder


Line Up and Wait
Oct 15, 2015
Walla Walla. WA
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I recently bought a pair of Lightspeed Zulu Deltas. I need a way to secure the controller so it doesn't just dangle by the cords. Most online options are upwards of $35.00. This seems ridiculously high for a piece of plastic. I need multiples for my own airplane plus the company airplanes I regularly fly. Any cheaper solutions out there? I was hoping someone with a 3D printer had come up with something.
a couple of 3d printer options.

now you just need to find someone to print them for you.
I’m demoing a headset that has a simple loop attached to the brain so it can be hung wherever there is something to hang it on. I tossed a suction cup hook in my flight bag I stuck on the window if needed. interesting solution although the $1.25 for a dozen suction hooks is very non-aviation :D
I need multiples for my own airplane plus the company airplanes I regularly fly. Any cheaper solutions out there? I was hoping someone with a 3D printer had come up with something.
Which one of these 2 do you prefer?

(ok, 3 if you count the second one without the hook)